Each year, Friends of Iowa Civil Rights awards funding to organizations who demonstrate a commitment to promoting diversity and supporting human and civil rights across Iowa.
Those seeking funding should submit our application detailing the amount of the request, what and how the money will be used, and a description of the impact the program/project/activity will have on the community. Additional pages/documents may be included. For example, if you are requesting funds to support a traveling reading program, you should provide details on whether or not this program will be local, have statewide impact, or if the program is geared for low income families, etc. Additionally, each grantee will be required within 30 days after their event/program to submit a brief summary of how the grant funds were actually used and shall provide details on the event/project including, but not limited to the number of participants (and/or other demographic data), date event was held, etc.
The FRIENDS funding request meeting will take place during a regularly scheduled board meeting whereby time will be set aside to review, discuss and decide, which (if any) requests will be granted. All those submitting requests will receive written response of the Board’s decision.
Download the Grant Application.
Follow us on Facebook for announcements on upcoming grant RFPs.